So what's yer name, kid? Real name, I mean--first an' last. I gotta keep accurate records or the city gets on me back, but I ain't gonna share 'em wit no one.
Seriously, Kloppman? You've only known me forever... Fine. Uriah Moore. Happy? My idiot parents named me Uriah. Ain't that special for me.
Ya gots a nickname? How'd ya get it?
Skittery. I'm twitchy. Skittish. And it's better then Gloomy, which I think was the other option.
Know how old ya are? When's yer birthday? The boys all likes to chip in an' make ya feel special. By which I mean, they likes any excuse for a party.
I hate parties. Don't want one. But Since you asked, I was born Feburary 8th. I'm about to turn 17.
Now describe yer appearance for me. Try an' be detailed. My mem'ry ain't what it useta be, an' if I hears about a vicious killer on the loose, I wanna be able to check my records an' make the connection.
Do I have to...? God, fine. I'm tall. Lanky. Dishwater colored hair, and eyes. And I ain't a damn killer, and you know it, Kloppman. Quit askin me things.
Got any odder job 'sides sellin' papes? Legal or illegal, I ain't gonna squeal on ya.
Yeah, I've got a job on the side as a rich bastard, and I just pretend to sell papes for the kicks. *gives Kloppman a dark look* I just sell papes.
All right, time for the big one. What kinda person are ya, kid? How d'you treat odders? How d'you treat yerself? We gets all kinds here, so be honest--I just wanna know what to expect.
I was once told I was glum and dumb. The dumb part ain't right, but the glum kind of is. I'm sarcastic, and bitter. Why'm I bitter? Why don'tcha mind your own business.
Got any hobbies? Whaddaya do wit yer spare time?
Spare time? What spare time? Oh, right, that time when we're not freezin our rear ends off, or broiling in the sun sellin newspapers. That free time. I guess I play cards, sometimes, except I'm pretty sure Race cheats...I like a good show, Irving Hall is pretty good, and it's only a nickle. If I have a nickle, or don't feel like eating. I read, I guess. Newspapers, mostly, since I can't afford books...I read the bible once, when I got bored. God's really depressing. I think my favorite book in it was the one about that guy, Job...
How 'bout vices or bad habits? Smokin', drinkin', gamblin'? I want 'cha to promise to keep 'em outside the house.
I smoke. And I guess I drink, but not all that much. And I play cards, but I'm not a crazy obsessed gambler. I take unnecessary risks sometimes...I guess...
Got any fam'ly or friends 'round here? Or enemies, for that matter? Tell me who ya knows in the area.
No. And no enemies, I don't think. I wouldn't be surprised if people didn't like me, though. At this point...I know almost everyone in the area. I've been here awhile.
An' maybe a special someone? I got a special set o' rules when it comes to that sorta t'ing.
What girl would be dumb enough to go after me, when there's guys like Mush and Kid Blink and Cowboy around? I mean, sure Mush can be a bit oblivious, and Blink's missing the one eye, but...Yeah. No sweetheart.
Fin'ly, every boy's favorite question... *chuckles darkly* What can ya tell me 'bout yer past? Where'd ya grow up, what brought ya here, an' what happened in between?
Great, this again. Fine. My parents died when I was three. The only family I had in the city was my ma's older brother. He was a lot older, fought in the Civil War and everything when he was 16. He was crazy as hell. Drank all the time, used to scream in his sleep. Livin with him was a nightmare, and I was just a kid. But he looked after me, sent me to school, when he could afford it. And he was all I had. Then, when I was 10...came home from school, and found him. Dead. He'd taken his old army gun, and rigged it to shoot himself. Left me to clean it up. So. Yeah. I got thrown into a foundling home, but...I didn't really fit in, so I bolted. All I had with me was the clothes on my back, a few dollars, and my uncle's army coat. Found my way here. Been here ever since. And I ain't tellin this story again, got it?
Profile By: Goldie
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AIM or Other Screen Name(s): stillgoldie1899 (AIM)