So what's yer name, kid? Real name, I mean--first an' last. I gotta keep accurate records or the city gets on me back, but I ain't gonna share 'em wit no one.

My real name? To me it’s Jack Kelly, but my birth certificate says Francis Sullivan.

Ya gots a nickname? How'd ya get it?

Nickname’s Cowboy, I got it cause since I was a kid I had all these dreams of going out west. I’ve always wanted more space, somewhere to start over, somewhere that seemed like it could be a dream.

Know how old ya are? When's yer birthday? The boys all likes to chip in an' make ya feel special. By which I mean, they likes any excuse for a party.

I’m 17 and my birthday’s July 3rd.

Now describe yer appearance for me. Try an' be detailed. My mem'ry ain't what it useta be, an' if I hears about a vicious killer on the loose, I wanna be able to check my records an' make the connection.

I’m kinda tall and lanky, like sometimes my arms seem too long for my body. I got brown hair that’s always too long and hazel eyes.

Got any odder job 'sides sellin' papes? Legal or illegal, I ain't gonna squeal on ya.

Nah, I just sell papes. It gets me by and I been able to save up money to head out West.

All right, time for the big one. What kinda person are ya, kid? How d'you treat odders? How d'you treat yerself? We gets all kinds here, so be honest--I just wanna know what to expect.

I tend to be a dreamer, always looking for something brighter to keep my going. I’m loyal and will fight for what’s right against all the odds, not caring about how much trouble it’s gonna get me in. The boys here are my family and I treat ‘em that way. I’ll protect them no matter what. I try my best to do the right thing, even though sometimes it ends up being wrong.

Got any hobbies? Whaddaya do wit yer spare time?

Believe it or not, I like to draw things that I see that catch my eye. I keep up a sketch book by my bunk.

How 'bout vices or bad habits? Smokin', drinkin', gamblin'? I want 'cha to promise to keep 'em outside the house.

I’m definitely a smoker and I like to throw back a couple of beers from time to time. I ain’t really much into anything else.

Got any fam'ly or friends 'round here? Or enemies, for that matter? Tell me who ya knows in the area.

All the boys in the house know me and I’m basically friends with every single one of them. Duane street’s real tight and we never want anybody to be left out. I’m closest to my buddy Dave who led the strike with me, and course Race, Mush and Blink. That’s usually who I’ll hang around with.

An' maybe a special someone? I got a special set o' rules when it comes to that sorta t'ing.

Not at the moment…but I know she’s out there.

Fin'ly, every boy's favorite question... *chuckles darkly* What can ya tell me 'bout yer past? Where'd ya grow up, what brought ya here, an' what happened in between?

My past ain’t a good one, my mother died when I was seven and my father got tossed in the clink soon after that. So I was left to my own devices, wandering around the city, sleeping in alleyways and on park benches until I ended up here at Duane Street. Been here ever since, I don’t plan on leaving till I head out west.


Profile By: Raven

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Character Song: Only Living Boy in New York by Simon and Garfunkel